Monday, October 15, 2012

Our Crazy After School Friday

                   After school on Friday me and some of my friends got together and went to the newly remodeled bowling alley! It was pretty fun the people that went were Me, Addie, Josie, Chaz, and Johny.

                           On the screen thing there was a Miles Per Hour thing on how fast your ball was so we were trying to make our balls go as fast as possible or as slow as possible. I bet you can guess which one Johny is trying to do... He even got a spare going as slow as possible!

                                                      And Josie going as fast as possible.

                                        And here we all are. We even gave ourselves an awesome name... We are the fierceful  five.And we are amazing!!

                      I know it looks like the same picture but in this one we have different faces.

                            Sadly this was the ending score and I epicly lost. Everyone else was in the 90's and 100's and I was 66.:( I am not the best at bowling:)

                      After we finished bowling we went to the arcade on the other side of the of the bowling alley and roughly earned 498 tickets. We all got a HUGE ring and a bracelet a sweatband and lots of frooties. It was pretty awesome. After we had done all of that we went to the dairy.(and ice cream place) We were so loud and laughing our heads off and ya. We acted like we had never heard of manners! It was still fun though.

                                                    Here's Me, Josie, Chaz, and Addie

                                                   And here's Me, Josie, Chaz, and Johny

                              We had so much fun and as you can see we were out pretty late.( about 10:00!!)
  I just have the best friends ever!!

                                                             GO FIERCEFUL FIVE!!!!

The BYU Game

          On Saturday all the young men and young women went to the BYU game and it was my first real "big" football game! It was a way fun experience and I hope to do it again. To start off with when we were driving to the game the clouds were like sitting on the mountains and it was pretty pretty.

               Also when we were driving to the game Me, Kinsley,and Konner had a sour skittle contest! ( I had videos but sadly they were to long:() After the contest we were ALL sick form all the skittles.
                                                     We had fifteen all at the same time!

                   Ahh... We were so close to the stadium and we saw a big lego float! It was really cool but we were wondering why there was a lego float... then we shortly found out it was their Homecoming.

                 We finally got to the stadium and had a Tailgate party! It was way  fun we had hamburgers, hotdogs, ships, and oatmeal creme pies! It was yummy! Oh and don't forget I had the best seat in the House! Or in this case the parking lot...;)

               We walked into the stadium and it was sooo big!! It was SO cool and a little scary because we were way high on the bleachers!

              We had to take a lot of pictures for the blog and that is exactly what we did. So here are just afew..:)

                                                     Me, Kinsley, Kambry, and Shianna

                                                       Just me and kins goofing around

                                          Abby was getting so into it and it was pretty funny!

                                 We got little souveniers (tals) because it was the blackout game

                                              Kambry was pretty funny waving her tal around

            Chaz, Wyatt, and Porter were all dancing like crazy people and I wish I could show you the videos because they were pretty hilarious!

                        And last but not least Me, Kinsley and Abby being our happy selves

              I am so glad that I had the chance to go to the game and it was so much fun!! I wish I could go every time!It was a lot of fun and....
                                                               GOOOOOOOOO COUGARS!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Finally! I figured out how to make a blog! Thanks to my awesome cousin Rachel! At first you might have to bare with me cause you know this is my first time:)

love Makayla